Transmission Data Dashboard
The Transmission Data Dashboard, developed by the Public Advocates Office, offers a snapshot of the status of California's electric transmission network infrastructure. It harnesses data from various sources to provide a comprehensive overview of historical, current, and future California Independent System Operator (CAISO)-approved transmission projects.
California's ambitious climate goals require a rapid and extensive build-out of the transmission grid to support clean energy sources like wind and solar. However, transmission projects often face significant delays, with nearly 70% of PG&E's projects experiencing setbacks and some taking up to 10 years to complete. The growing backlog and slow development timelines threaten the state’s ability to meet its climate and energy goals. Additionally, rising costs, including a potential 350% increase in the Transmission Access Charge, could lead to higher electricity rates for consumers. By visualizing key metrics and trends, the Dashboard aims to inform consumers about the progress and challenges in expanding the state's transmission grid.
We hope the Dashboard will help to bring these issues into focus by identifying bottlenecks and highlighting areas where action is needed to accelerate project completion and control costs. Below are links to the Transmission Data Dashboard (updated October 2024) and a supplemental document detailing our data sources.
Download: Public Advocates Office Transmission Data Dashboard (October 2024)
Supplemental Document: Transmission Dashboard Data Sources