Linda Serizawa was appointed Director of the Public Advocates Office in November 2024. She served as the Public Advocates Office's Deputy Director of Energy since May 2012.

Linda started her CPUC career in 1989 as a financial auditor and shortly thereafter, became a regulatory analyst. She coordinated numerous project teams focusing on significant telecommunications, natural gas, electricity, and consumer protection policy issues. Linda has worked in several areas within the CPUC including the Energy Division and the Policy and Planning Division. She also served as a Commissioner’s Chief of Staff from 1999 to 2002 until she was appointed as the first Director of the CPUC’s Consumer Service and Information Division, where she focused on improving CPUC outreach to various communities, advising members of the public on how to participate in CPUC forums, and advising Commissioners on consumer protections for telecommunications customers.

After almost 20 years of working on the CPUC’s advisory side, Linda decided to return to energy policy work while expanding her consumer advocacy experience. In 2008, she joined the Office as a Program Manager for its newly established Electricity Pricing and Customer Programs Branch.